Ruminations on technology

Our Events


Explore Our Impact : Join us in the Events Section to discover the dynamic contributions of our team members and the groundbreaking events shaping our industry. Here, we spotlight the engagements where our employees are making significant contributions, sharing their expertise, and driving innovation. From leading industry conferences to insightful webinars, this space is dedicated to the moments where our team shines on the global stage. Stay updated with our latest involvements and see how we’re making a difference in our field. Join us in celebrating our collective achievements and stay connected with the evolving trends that are relevant to our company and its mission. 

Event Highlights

NSTARX Inc. Event Highlights page, featuring videos of our employees participating in various industry events, conferences, and seminars, showcasing their expertise and our commitment to excellence.

Panel discussion at SMPTE Toronto Technology Conference with Media Luminaries like Chris Lennon, Renard Jenkins and NStarX Chief AI Officer Suman Kalyan discussing AI’s impact on automated workflows in business environments.

NSTARX Inc.’s CAIO, Suman Kalyan talks about usage and impact of AI for the media workflows at the SMPTE Toronto TTC 2024 event.

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